Can you believe it, the summer solstice came and passed quick.
We are in our final week of daytime classes. Our last sessions are this week for Rise and Draw and classes; Directed Studies & TGIF. If you need to squeeze it in now is your last chance until the autumn. Otherwise, we will continue to run drop in evening sessions until August.
Our next big things is Youth Summer camps. If you have creative youth we have spots for them in our week long artistic journey which includes the cost of art supplies etc.
We are closed for Canada Day July 1st.
No classes or drop in sessions running.
Many people have been asking what else if going on this summer?
We have the Longer pose Thursday nights and I'll be adding some other special sessions to keep your skills sharp.
I am thinking about opening up some open studio times for people to drop in and work on whatever they like with for inspiration and great light with creatives but I have to have enough interest to make it worth it. Let me know by replying or emailing your interest so I can get an idea of numbers and availability.
Some of you I wont see until September, so enjoy this short season of nice weather while we have it until autumn falls.