“SIMPLIFYING THE LANDSCAPE – In the studio from the Photo & Studies”
Sat & Sun, June 4th & 5th, 2022
10am – 4:00pm
Cost: $250 (supplies not included)
Atelier Artista
To ensure you have a pleasurable and successful workshop experience,
please read carefully and be prepared ☺
EASEL: if you have a portable easel and you’d like to bring it, otherwise easels supplied
PAINT: I like to use a warm and cool of each primary for plein air. However, keeping in mind that this is a studio workshop, you may bring your full palette.
Here is a very basic list:
Titanium White (large tube)
Ultramarine Blue
Pthalo Blue (or Cerulean or Manganese Hue)
Cadmium Yellow Lemon (optional)
Cad Yellow Light
Cad Yellow Deep (optional)
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Red (light)
Alizarin Crimson
Burnt Sienna or Transparent Red Oxide
Burnt Umber I will be using this for demo and throughout the painting.
Convenience colour: Viridian (optional)
BRUSHES: I’ll be using the following brushes for oils
#2 Filbert, hog bristle – (this is approx ¼ inch wide)
#4 Filbert, hog bristle – (this is approx ¾ inches wide)
#6 Filbert bristle (optional) and a soft flat brush to knock down edges & a few small rounds for details
Acrylic Painters: synthetic bristle or brushes for acrylic paints in the same size.
Note: bring an assortment of brushes, bristle and synthetic. Flats or filberts, whichever is your preference and some small rounds for details.
-Odorless Mineral Spirits (oil painters) - 2 covered/lidded containers/cups: 1) smaller for use in painting and 2) a second larger quantity one in a lidded container, for cleaning your brushes.
-Medium: Oil painters: mix a medium of 1) ½ linseed oil or walnut oil + OMS in a small cup for painting. 2) And in another cup, straight oil.
-Whatever other medium you are accustomed to working with such as gel mediums, etc.
-Acrylic painters: whatever mediums you prefer.
PALETTE KNIFE: (for mixing paint and painting) A triangular shaped one (trowel) medium size – about the size of your thumb. Please no bent knives or plastic ones!
PALETTE: for oils, a glass palette or a wooden one is best providing it has been treated with oil first. Otherwise, a paper one is fine. Acrylic painters: please use a large ‘stay-wet’ palette for ease of painting.
CANVAS mounted to boards or gessoed panels– please try to find a decent quality. If they’re cheap, they’ll absorb all of your paint and also sag eventually. If they’re too smooth, you’ll have a hard time layering paint alla prima.
Day 1: 2 or more- 12x16 CANVAS SHEETS TAPED TO BOARD- Fredrix canvas pads work great for your first day of exercises. (or approx. size). You can tape a piece of canvas on a hard support. (can also purchase canvas on the roll for this). Please bring a couple of hard supports for this to tape your canvas sheets to, you’ll need 2.
-We’ll be dividing this with masking tape for exercises on Day 1 (a 12x16 will be divided into 4, 6x8’s for example and you’ll need 2 of these. Bring your Fredrix pad or extra cut canvas).
Day 2: A few in varying sizes: STRETCHED CANVAS or above based on your exercises: Everyone has a preferred size of canvas it seems (large or medium). Good to have a couple on hand (varying sizes perhaps) to do one larger painting from your exercises. Not smaller than 12x16 or 14x18 and not larger than 16x20 (unless you are accustomed to painting large). (note: you might not finish a painting but you’ll get a great ‘start’ on one!)
REFERENCE PHOTOS: Please bring a few hard copy landscape photos to choose from, preferably enlarged for ease of painting. We’ll discuss your selection and determine what would make the strongest painting. If you have an assortment of the same landscape, bring them all. If you have an iPad to paint from, this is fine. Just be prepared! (I won’t have photos for students).
SKETCH BOOK: We’ll be doing thumbnail sketches/notans so please bring a medium sized sketchbook along with drawing soft pencil, eraser or felt marker, etc.
-Masking tape (1 inch for masking exercise)
-Lots of paper towels or rags (best to bring a roll)
-Flat box or wet panel case to carry your wet paintings
-clips – to attach your notan/sketch and photos to your easel if preferred
-notebook to take notes
-drinking water to stay hydrated
Please, no videos of me painting. You are welcome to take photos of all my demo paintings in progress along the way ☺
Feel free to email me at with any questions! Look forward to a wonderful day painting with you!
@bobbidunlop – Instagram
Bobbi Dunlop Fine Art - Facebook