Study from Life
is the foundation for our work here at the Atelier Artista studio.
We offer Drop in sessions and Figure Courses multiple times per week.
We have early morning sessions:
RISE & DRAW Mondays 9:30-12:30
& TGIF Fridays 9:30-Noon (instructed)
Join us for our evening drop-in sessions:
Monday night Long Pose 7 - 10 pm
Wednesday night Short Pose 6:30-9:30
We reward practicing regularly. Check out our "Multi-pass" if you want to save on multiple sessions.
*No sessions on stat holidays
Registration is easy!
• Click the SESSION LISTING BELOW for more information on the course.
• You will receive an email confirming your spot.
• Be sure to put it in your calendar and show up on the first day of class.
• As per our policies, courses with low enrolment (less than 4) will be cancelled. You can choose refund or use your credits toward another course.
Start your week off right! Warm up with our Monday Morning Rise & Draw Figure Drawing sessions.
Get some practice drawing from life before you have to tackle any other tasks you have planned for yourself!
Each week we will be working with a different model. The first half will be shorter poses, remaining time will be longer pose(s) with breaks approx. every 25 min.
If you're looking for more Guidance and Instruction, join us for TGIF Friday Figure Fundamentals where there is instruction and coaching throughout.
Evening sessions are all drop in.
Long pose Mondays 7 -10
Short pose Wednesdays 6:30 -9:30
+ additional listings
Thursday Nights 6:30 -9:30
We take breaks approximately every 20-25 min.
If you show up late you can enter during a break.
You can purchase online, use a multi-pass to save $ or just pay cash at the door.
Sign in forms and multi pass book are at the back of the studio at the big red Millwakee toolbox.
Space is limited, first come first serve.
From time to time we offer addition sessions, classes and workshops outside our regularly scheduled events.
Check back in often or sign up for our newsletter and/or social media accounts to stay informed.